Making money from your blog

How to make money online

From the internet you can find all kinds of instructions on what you should do to earn money online. To those of us who are just ordinary people and do not have that computer science degree, the impact of the instructions is mainly that the idea of earning money online crashes at the start-up because of self-imagined incompetence.

It is not really that difficult.

Money from your blog

I have a blog on the topic beauty treatments for home use and aesthetic surgery.

To me, it was a positive surprise suddenly finding myself earning money online.
The answer is affiliate.
You don't become a millionaire on it (at least I am not a millionaire yet 😉), but it works.

Adtraction earnings
Adtraction affiliate earnings 
The pictures to the right are from my own Adtraction account; the upper picture is from the web interface and the lower one is from the mobile application.

Affiliate earnings
Adtraction mobile application
Further down this page you cna see screenshots from my TradeTracker account. 
This is a nice secondary source of income. I now every month shorten the bank loan that I took, with these net earnings, and I even have money left after paying the loan.

How does affiliate work?

Briefly described, affiliate works like this: You put advertiser's links on your website or on your blog, and get commissions from the sales coming as a result of click on your links.

For example the list with affiliate-services below consists of affiliate links. So if you for instance click on the link, and then make an agreement with them, I will get five euros for that.

I use the affiliate services listed below, out of which Adtraction and TradeTracker generate the best revenue.  They both have a wide selection of advertisers, so regardless of the topic of the blog or website, you will surely find advertisers related to the topic: from sports to furnishings, from finances to beauty industry and anything from a to z.

Adtraction has the easiest user interface and also an absolutely superb customer service. Not to talk about their mobile application! It's really a great feeling when the mobile phone beeps, and a red notification symbol appears, as a signal that a new sale has been registered 😊.
Affiliate earn money
TradeTracker sales
TradeTracker do not have a mobile application, at least not yet, so the sales rendered by TradeTracker are announced only by e-mail. Just as nice as the Adtraction sales they too, of course 😁.

My principle is honesty. I don't put any products on my site, that I can not sign myself. All links on my blog are neither affiliate-links, but a big part is only information that I want to share.

The primary reason and target for my blog is still to tell people about things, about which it's difficult to find practical and concrete information

What should you do to earn money online?

TradeTracker earnings
TradeTracker earnings
If you don't already have one: create a blog or a website on a topic that people are interested in. Registrate for TradeTracker* and/or Adtraction* affiliateservice. In the UK Webgains* is also one good alternative.

Chose ads from their assortment. It's a good idea to chose ads that relate to the topic of your site. 

Remember: don't lie - advertise only products from which you have good experience yourself, or about which you have confirmed information about their excellence.

Note also, that you have to tell in your blog or website, that it contains ad-links, and the ad-links must be clearly marked. I this blog, the star (*) tells, that a link is an ad-link.

Search engine optimization

To make sure that people will find your site, you should create some search engine optimization. For us amateurs it's enough that the address of the website and the headings are describing - means that they contain words that people probably use when googling on this topic. 

Search engine optimization is reeeally a lot more, but this level is enough if you are satisfied with the online earning to be just a small extra-income, and your goal isn't to become a millionaire.

That's it

This is the way I have done it. Originally, I established the blog because I thought that my experiences could be helpful to persons in the same situation. That's still the meaning of the blog. The affiliate-earnings I have got as an extra bonus.

It makes me a little bit amused to imagine that some people (for example those with that computer science degree) might denounce me as a bimbo because of the topic of my blog. And they have no idea that behind this blog there is an ordinary woman - who nevertheless earns more (50-400 euros a month) than they themselves earn from their "how-to-make-money-online" -sites. 😆

- Adlinks are marked with an asterisk (*) -

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- Contains adlinks -